We were amazingly lucky with the weather considering that the forecast was for snow. We were up at 5am which is a ridiculous time to be getting up to do exercise. But we rose to a clear, cold morning which was stunning to say the least.

Our walk around Lac du Dix to the Cabine was a hard slog due to the flat slope the majority of the way. It’s amazing how time flys when you have an iPod.

Day 3 saw us assent up to the highest peak Pigne d’Arolla at over 3,700m. A long but satisfying day. The ski down to Arolla was fantastic, great spring snow. a decent of over 3,000m.

We accented 1,800m up to Cabine de Bertol on day 4. Just the most dramatic scenery although at times it felt like we were in battle due to the amount of helicopters buzzing over head setting up the PDG. That night we stayed in the highest cabine in Switzerland perched on the top of a rock crop. The climb up to it was surprisingly challenging.

Our last day was a smallish climb up to Tete Blanche and then the long ski down the glacier to Zermatt. All in all an amazing experience for all. I would recommend the trip to anyone, pretty much regardless of their off-piste experience.

Video to follow….T


So we left Verbier on Sunday April 11th. Yes that is way over a month ago (Toby, Caroline, Rich, Clare). Obviously we have been very busy closing shop (bad excuse), finally I have some photo’s to share.

We left Verbier at around 10am (2 hours late fairly standard if you know Caroline) after a couple of diuretic coffee’s. After a couple of lifts we started our tour up to Rosablanche. We all started to suffer pretty much instantly, actually we struggled to walk up to Medran with our Rucksacks full off energy bars..!

After a wee bit of aclimitisation and sweat and tears we made it to Cabane Prafleuri.

More to follow…

It was good to finally make use of the sunny weather in Verbier. It was eerily quiet this weekend considering it is a bank holiday.

We thought we would celebrate Tom Renshaw from CK Verbier’s departure. Luckily he had tonnes of supplies that had to be eaten including line caught sardines (see pic). Thanks to Jono and Tom for cooking the feast..!

All in all a great night. Good luck Tom in France. See you next season..T

Well after what can only be said a wet, cold and misty May, finally we have sun. The high pressure over Europe is giving us wonderful sunshine. Time to make use of it so pitch and put later…T

To celebrate the end of the PDG, the Patrouille Suisse (the swiss equivalent of the Red Arrows) do a spectacular display over Verbier


So we should be running around town acquiring the rest of our equipment for the start of the torture tomorrow, but Caroline is de-heading her plants, Clare and Rich are en route and I am writing this..! Not to worry, we have just found out that there has been a cancellation in Prafleuri hut so the first day isn’t going to be a suicidal dash for the Dix hut…

So below is the route we are taking (well almost) 56km distance and over 8km of vertical ascent and decent. EASY. The wonders of technology doesn’t reach to the Haute Route so I will attempt to text Guy updates of our progress..!

Wish us luck.