The excited use of the word ‘epic’ might be a little odd, but the rest is pretty spot on…
Apart from one wonky lift in La Tzoumaz all the lifts are rolling. Including the Tortin bubble.
Col des Mines and Vallon d’Arbi are closed but the rest is all good.
Up for a ski in the cloud with Gussy, Antoine and Sanna.
The Tortin bubble has conked out and we hear people were trapped for three hours before eventually getting roped out.
(All of a sudden Gussy turning up an hour late seems a blessing in disguise…).
Just walked through Place Central and the giant Christmas tree has been blown over, so some men from the Commune came and chopped it up with chainsaws and now people are pilfering the giant baubles. Brilliant.
Oh, and if you want know something a little more useful – like the weather – you can watch our video weather update here.