Yes, we’ve done a nice new weather report for the simply delightful people at and we can confirm we’ve had a bit of everything this week and it’s currently snowing hard and blowing a gale. So we recorded it outside Performance HQ, because we were a little bit scared by all the wind up top…


ski school verbier

It’s been absolutely dumping again and despite if being a bit soggy and heavy up the hill, I just had a great day.

Sadly it’s now turned to rain in resort and the avalanche risk has just gone through the roof. But all snow is good snow and we’ve got tons and tons of it…


I know, it takes a while to get to Bruson. It’s not like hopping over to Savoleyres. But when you do it’s brilliant – like you’re in a tiny resort miles from anywhere and the crowds and queues you get in Verbier are very quickly forgotton.

And it’s especially useful when Verbier close because of too much snow or high winds. Which is precisely why happened yesterday and how we ended up there…

Meanwhile the snow is falling heavily again and I get the feeling tomorrow might be very interesting – loads of snow but probably a lot of wind and not a lot open.

Verbier was shut this afternoon because the wind was ridiculous so it seemed rude not to nip over to Bruson. And Felix and the guys from Powder Extreme had the same fantastic idea…