Yes, the Autumn equinox came and went and in true Swiss style we celebrated through the medium of cheese. As we did last year. And the year before…
It could be because the people of the Bagnes traditionally celebrate the return of the cows from the high pastures at this time of year. It could be because Raclette was invented here in this very valley (I firmly believe between 1972 and 1974, but the evidence on this theory is lacking). But we think it’s more likely that everyone will eat cheese and drink Fendant at the drop of hat.
The pictures never do it justice – there’s a real buzz in the air. So we videoed it. Toby’s video I think captures it well. Mine makes it sound like the whole thing took place on a helicopter.
Happy New Year from Switzerland – it was yet another epic one in Place Central…
You see, last night the Performance team was largely divided into two camps – the ones who were working today and the ones who weren’t. The ones who were stayed up till midnight then went off home to get tucked up in bed for some beauty sleep, the rest of us carried on the party until the wee small hours.
And when midnight struck in Switzerland it looked a bit like this:
No, the cabins aren’t supposed to look like this – apparently somebody was stuck further up the line when the jam happened and had to wait a while to get back down until they sorted this out…