There’s a reason things have been quiet on the Verbier blog front. It’s because things have been quiet in Verbier full-stop. But now there are more humans in town and it’s all gearing up for summer season.
So The Powers That Be have decided it’s time to add some art. And they have clearly been watching Alice in Wonderland or listening to too much Velvet Underground, because this is what they’ve built.
Interesting eh?
I always say that no Mountain tourist destinantion is ever truly complete without a forty foot tulip.
Yup, Mike’s up there and destroying the old two man lifts (Combe and Mayentzet) and he’s sent us the evidence…
As you might (or perhaps might not) be aware, the Medran lift area in Verbier is getting a bit of a make-over. Well, the area around is being completely rebuilt and the lift station (possibly one of the ugliest lift buildings in the Four Valleys) itself is getting a facelift. The project is called Les Trois Rocs and will be a rather swanky and welcome addition to Verbier.
But only when it’s finished.
Because at the moment it’s nothing more than a rather scary collection of noisy construction equipment and mud where the parking used to be. So don’t expect any parking up at the lifts this year and do expect to be using busses a lot more if you used to nip up in the car – but don’t forget that (when it’s finished) it’ll be great. Just not yet…